
Posts Tagged ‘shoes’


* Products that have nothing to do with knitting but enhance my knitting in some way.

Because my knitting these days is comprised entirely of Giftmas gifts (no, it is not redundant and if you write to tell me that it is you will get an all-caps email full of crazy) that I’m not prepared to show on this blog, and because I don’t want to leave off posting until December 26th, I give you PTHNTDWKBEMKISW. Because it’s so much easier to type that whole thing than to type out the actual words.

(How many days left? Twenty. Twenty days. I have so much work to do and my brain is melting out my ears. Bear with me.)

1. Pretty Shoes
Crocs n Socks

I got two pairs of Crocs Alice shoes recently, and I don’t think I can properly explain to you the rainbow-colored delight that suffuses my being every time I wear them. Not only are they vegan, cute and comfortable (a nearly-impossible-to-find combination on a good day), they also show off handknit socks to perfection. Brilliant. I’m wearing my first pair of handknit socks, and the black “sueded” Alices. The “sueded” look is one you pay a bit extra for, and it looks like your crocs got chewed up by an acre of cement. In a good way. Ah, fashion!

2. Fruit Bowl
Display Bowl from Mom

Mom gave us (my sisters and me) these square glass fruit bowls for Giftmas last year, and I instantly filled mine with sock yarn. I change it out every so often, and the other day I went hunting for red and green yarn. It’s seasonal now. I’ve got some Louet Gems, Koigu, Knit Picks, STR, and Vesper in there, just sitting around looking pretty. NinjaHusband thinks I’m crazy to decorate with yarn, but he doesn’t say it too loudly for fear of waking the yarny Christmas beast within. Because I could decorate with actual Christmas knickknacks if denied my yarn. Boy, could I.

3. Tattoo Shops
This one is a little hazy. I mean, it’s not really a product. More of a place. But it did enhance the hell out of my knitting twice in the past two weeks. NinjaHusband got his rib panel started and I sat with him for moral support and knat my way through 11 total hours of tattoo magic (madly jealous the whole time… my first appointment is next month). It was fabulous for my knitting as I finished one part of one project that day.


I know I haven’t been answering/responding to your comments like usual, and I’m sorry about that. My email system changed (not the address, don’t worry) last week and wasn’t working for a day or two (I used my work email to write to some of you — check Ye Olde Spam Folder), plus last week was a difficult one. Things are calmer now and I’m getting around to responding. Sorry for the delay.

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